Good game and all but.....
Dont get me wrong its a great game, at first i thought oh great its gonna get gay real fast, but honestly i was able to sit through 25 levels. Thats when it hit me, that wall. i cant see the point of sitting there trying to beat some guys score *which is like in the bils no lie*. the game is good could use a lot more content, starting with more levels, or at the very least bigger zombies for a better challenge. If i was going for a high score i could jsut set a piece of meat down and go at the zombies with the best gun and best dog, which s what did for a while but then i got bored of sitting there holding my mouse clicker aiming at the zombies. again good game, graphics are good , idea is fantastic, and any thing with a world wide scoring system gets a star in my book, but yeah i cant sit here longer then i have shooting the same type f zombies over and over...over and over.......ect.
10 stars because i like the game regardless, but yeah take some of the points poeple bring up into mind if your gonna make another one.